Yes it’s true, all our friends and family, that have asked if it’s true, it is.
Montello Comfort Living Assisted Care, in Montello WI on state hwy 23 will be open this month. Remodeling is just about done, 100% handicap accessible. This will be the third location in Wisconsin to fill the community need of quality care to those we care about, the elderly and ill.
Also Asset Growth and Protection is moving the national office to the 2nd building on property. This will be the 4th Wisconsin office, we have out grown our other location and are happy to have larger meeting rooms, offices for support staff and work on client added revenue boost projections and tax incentive savings for our business clients missing out on so many credits.
Yes its also true we have a 40% gain rate lock for 401k, IRA, roth and cash accounts. How does it work, well its 48 months like a CD, a term then paid, 10% per year, no market risk or market fees, growth you can count on. If you had $100k, then you run term, $140k.
WOW that’s great for qualified funds, like 401k funds.
Yes we still have the 9 month terms paying both monthly and end of term income, paying 6%. Whats your bank paying you?
What will you do with the added income?
Enjoy your spring time and don’t forget if there was a better way to do something, would you rather know the first day or the last?